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Image by Conscious Design

Reiki - Long Distance

Unlike other healing techniques, one of the biggest advantage with Reiki healing is that, it can be administered from a distance as well. Reiki uses three symbols one of which is the "distance symbol". When invoked, this symbols allows the practitioner to send healing Reiki Energy across time and space.


It allows practitioners to clear blockages from someone's past, as well as perform Reiki on someone who is not physically present. Distance Reiki works according to an ancient principle called the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all made of energy and part of a larger whole. Invoking this law during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link up to the energy field of the recipient.


Typically in a distance healing, Reiki practitioners use recipients photograph and a healing crystal. One can also be on phone call or a video call to perform the healing task. Distance Reiki healing can have benefits like increasing feelings of relaxation, happiness, empowerment, and ease. Distance Reiki is one of many ways to link to and channel life force energy for the healing benefit of others.


Contact us now to get a first FREE Diagnostic session with our Reiki Masters.

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