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Reiki Healing

Reiki for Self and Others

Reiki is an ancient art developed for self-healing and gradually helping others to heal. It is one of the best forms of healing that is based on the universal concept of transfer of energy.  How can we heal ourselves and others with Reiki?


The secret of doing effective Reiki for self-healing or others is to do a full Reiki treatment and practise it on daily basis rather than just treating the affected areas, e.g., the painful abdomen or the nagging headache. A condition could be of a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual nature. Reiki works as a system and provides holistic treatments at all levels. 


How does Reiki Work? The fundamental concept of Reiki is flow of energy. As the Reiki energy flows out your hands and into the cells of the body underneath your hands, the cells recognize the life-giving energy and draw on it. Cells control the degree of energy draw. The more depleted they are, the stronger the flow. Reiki flow is automatic, controlled entirely by the cells of the recipient, be it for self or others.


(Note: Please remember that Reiki is not a substitute for receiving medical treatment when you need it.  If you have a medical condition, always follow your doctor’s advice.)


Keep Reiki simple, there is no need for special preparation or mental concentration on the part of the practitioner. Automatic concentration and not utilizing your own energy reserves are two of the features that make Reiki different from other energy healing systems. Once, you have learnt Reiki the right way, you can do Reiki when you are asleep, while driving or when watching television. Just rest your hands wherever you need the healing energy and it will flow, quietly and unobtrusively.


Reiki for self-healing can serve as preventive maintenance for your body, mind and soul. It keeps cells energized, making it more difficult for disease to set in and keeps you healthy in a realistic holistic way. To learn how you can do self-healing Join our Reiki Level-1 Course or seeking to get help from a Reiki Master, connect with us right way. To book a session, click here...


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