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Image by Aaron Burden

Reiki - An Ancient Art of Healing

“When you heal yourself and assist others with their self-healing, you heal the Earth. You do make a difference” - Laurel Stein Rice


Reiki is said to be a universal energy akin to cosmic energy, similar to our life force. Reiki heals the mind, the body and the soul. But, it is impossible to understand the Reiki energy intellectually. The best way to understand Reiki is through personal experience. Life is no doubt a beautiful journey but with changing times, the crisis for people, and the planet, is increasing day by day. Reiki is a form of complementary and alternative medicine; there’s evidence it can reduce daily stress and help with management of some chronic diseases.


Healing is desperately needed with maintaining the sacredness of God’s gift of Reiki. We can use it freely for anyone who may benefit by it for the highest good of all. Reiki is a safe, natural healing method. It enables the practitioner to be a channel for the energy by placing hands on different positions of the body, and letting the body be healed. The amazing part is that it can be used from a distance.


 Buddhist proverb:

"When a student is ready, the teacher appears is often true in the case of Reiki."


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