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Energy and Chakra Cleansing

Aura cleansing is a practice that involves using breath work to remove confined energies and emotional blockages held back in the body over the years. To put that in layman's terms, it's supposed to help you push past what's holding you back via your chakras. According to The Chopra Center, in ancient India it was believed that chakras are "swirling wheels of energy that correspond to massive nerve centers in the body. Each chakra contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being."


In a world full of stress and negativity, our chakras get blocked when they come in contact with negative influences. If the energy cannot flow freely, that is a major source for any type of illness and mental diseases. Reiki Chakra cleansing helps you to declutter those blocks and get the energy flowing.


In a cleansing like this one, crystals are placed on seven chakras: Starting from mooladhar (the - root), swadishtan (sacral), manipura, Anahat (heart), Vishudha (throat), Aagya (third eye) and Sahastratra (crown) chakras. Together, this helps align the spine from the base to the crown of the head to help energy to flow properly. Healing crystals amplify the energy in any kind of healing session. There are different crystals for each of the chakras based on their colour and vibrational frequencies. Mantras and soft music both complement each other and can be used in healing sessions. Aromatherapy can also help in creating a calming environment and helps in healing sessions.


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