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Astrology is another integral part of intergrated healing at Heals From Miles. We use India’s ancient system of Vedic astrology rooted in the Vedas. Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the stars and planets have a powerful influence on our lives. As per our vedas, Hindu belief system emphasises on the fact that life is meant for spiritual growth through our actions or karma. Our every action or karma has an implication, positive or negative and impacts our lives or future lives accordingly.


The Vedas say that a person’s karma is directly related to the position of the planets and stars, and thus astrology is the method of understanding one’s karma by analyzing these positions. Our astrologers come with a wide experience of helping people with remedies for their problems related to health, career, wealth, marriage, stress or any other karmic implications that is stopping people's growth.


Contact us now to get a first FREE Consultation session with our Astrologers.

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